Don’t travel to Iran, Mio!

Need A Reason To Go To Iran? Think Saffron!
“Mio Iran” a moving film by Sebastian Linda, a German audiovisual artist who opts to travel to Iran despite all the voices around him advising him not to go to Iran.
“Mio Iran” a moving film by Sebastian Linda, a German audiovisual artist who opts to travel to Iran despite all the voices around him advising him not to go to Iran.
He writes: “Last year my wife Sophia and me, went to a place, everybody said, is full of danger, and terror. Iran.
We had to see for ourselves. But not only for the two of us, but for somebody on the way…”
He dedicated the movie to his son, Mio, who was born after his remembering trip to Iran.
“So I hope, now that Mio already traveled to the End of the World, he knows that everywhere, people full of love are waiting for him.” Linda says.