Mausoleum of Poets (Maqbarat-o-shoara), Tabriz
The Mausoleum that Preserves the Echoes of Poetry

Maqbarat-o-shoara, also known as the Poets’ Mausoleum or Sarakhab Cemetery, is a significant historical graveyard in the Sarakhab neighborhood of Tabriz, Iran.
Registered as a national heritage site, this mausoleum is a revered resting place for over 400 poets, mystics, and notable figures from Iran and the region, dating back 800 years.
A Rich Historical Place

Initially known as Haziratoshoara, Haziratoqazat, and Sarakhab Cemetery, Maqbarat-o-shoara has evolved over centuries.
Natural disasters like floods and earthquakes have altered its appearance over time. The earliest mentions of the cemetery appear in texts from the 8th century Hijri, with references in Mohammad Aufi’s “Lubab al-Albab” (618 Hijri) and Hamdallah Mustawfi’s “Nazhat al-Qulub” (740 Hijri).
The Evolution of Maqbaratoshoara

After being abandoned following earthquakes in the 12th century Hijri, Maqbarat-o-shoara regained attention in 1971. A competition led to the selection of Gholamreza Farzanmehr’s design for a memorial structure, now a symbol of both Maqbarat-o-shoara and Tabriz.
Notable Figures at Rest

Maqbarat-o-shoara is the final resting place of luminaries like Asadi Tusi, Khaqani Shirvani, and Shahriar. Each grave tells a story, contributing to Iran’s rich literary and cultural heritage.
Visiting Maqbaratoshoara

The mausoleum, located at the intersection of Thagatol Islam and Aref streets, near the eastern side of Seyyed Hamzeh shrine and Qa’em Maqam and Malabashi tombs, is accessible to visitors. It stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Persian literature and culture.