Tehran’s Landmark Event: The 2017 International Tourist Guides Convention

The tour guides are scheduled to visit arrays of natural beauties and historical spots scattered across provinces of Qazvin, Zanjan and Hamedan, CHTN reported on Jan. 25.
The excursion is within the timetable of the WFTGA 2017 convention.

“The event is of high national and global importance so we must seize the opportunity as the guests would remember our hospitality traditions for several years ahead,” Morteza Rahmani-Movahhed, the deputy director of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Organization said in Dec. 2016.
Ancient civilization, fascinating culture, diverse traditional dishes and the famed Persian hospitality are amongst ingredients the Iranian tourism sector relies on.
Iran won the bid to host the 17th WFTGA convention in December 2014, after battling it out with Singapore and Denmark, and winning the required votes from WFTGA member states. The convention is organized by the Iran Federation of Tourist Guide Associations under the auspices of the CHTHO.
During the event which also includes the variety of tours across the country, the WFTGA members will confer to elect the new board of directors and the host of the 18th convention.
Rouhani at WFTGA 2017 Convention
President Rouhani underlined that terrorism is not only a threat to people, but also to great cultures and civilizations of the Middle East.Addressing the 17th World Federation of Tourist Guides Associations (WFTGA) Convention on Saturday morning in Tehran, Hassan Rouhani welcomed all participants expressing hope that the visit to Iran would lead to a greater familiarity with the
Addressing the 17th World Federation of Tourist Guides Associations (WFTGA) Convention (WFTGA 2017) on Saturday morning in Tehran, Hassan Rouhani welcomed all participants expressing hope that the visit to Iran would lead to a greater familiarity with the age old history and culture of a hospitable nation.
He underlined that Iranians have always accomplished far-reaching objectives as they staged a revolution 38 years ago without receiving support from world powers.

“Iranian nation, by relying on their culture, religion and goals, sparked a revolution without reliance on external powers,” noted the official asserting that political independence was the greatest outcome of Islamic Revolution.
Rouhani touched upon democracy as yet another favorable result of the Revolution which gave dignity to the people who get involved in decision making by casting votes during elections.
Determination and perseverance were other characteristics Rouhani attributed to Iranians who defended their country during eight years of Imposed War again in the absence of foreign support.
The President rejoiced to recall that Iran has never been a colony of other countries neither has is invaded neighboring states and has had no connection with issues like racism.
“People from various religions, ethnic groups and cultures are living together in Iran as evidenced by proximity of mosques to churches as well as presence of Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian members in the Iranian Parliament.”
He also contented that Iran has contributed to the global knowledge; “over recent centuries, Iran had had pioneers in science and technology and books written by scholars like Avicenna, Farabi and Tusi are being studies at universities and scientific centers across the globe.”
Hassan Rouhani further touched upon the long history of arts in Iran and the fact the Persian poetry is praised both inside and outside the country. He said prominent poets like Hafiz, Saadi, Ferdowsi and Rumi had taken fruitful steps for the whole world.
In recent years, Iranians have proved that they seek peace, friendship, and brotherhood and that they are proud of these qualities and peaceful coexistence, he continued.

Today is Not the Time to Erect Walls Between Nations
The President called for removal of walls between countries since causing distances among nations proves to be impossible in today’s world.
“No force can stop globalization and cutting trade ties with the world will bring no favor to global economy,” highlighted the official adding “further cooperation among countries and people is needed if peace, stability and security are to be settled.”
He noted that traces of extremism and terrorism could be felt inside the region saying “fire of terrorism and extremism is raging around the country and pain and suffering of Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan, Pakistani, Yemeni and Libyan people can be observed.”
Addressing tourist guides who have travelled to Iran, Hassan Rouhani described the Middle East as fountainhead of civilization and tourism with historical works placed in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Central Asia there.
“Terrorism not only took lives of people, but also damaged historical monuments of countries especially in Iraq and Syria,” stated the official deeming either case as painful and intolerable.He commented that Iran spared no effort in providing support to regional people; “terrorists would be ruling in Damascus and Baghdad in the absence of Iran’s assistance.”
He commented that Iran spared no effort in providing support to regional people; “terrorists would be ruling in Damascus and Baghdad in the absence of Iran’s assistance.”
Power of terrorism is dimming thanks to bravery of Syrian and Iraqi people as well as the backing of Iran, underlined the official recalling that Iran had always been on the side of peace and stability and would put all its efforts in the fight against terrorism which is posing a great threat to the region.
President Rouhani deemed tourism as a bridge between countries asserting that tour guides could connect nations, cultures, and civilizations.
He noted that tour leader held the responsibility to reveal underlying meanings of historical objects and buildings otherwise deep concepts of these items would remain unknown to tourists.
“Iran, as a nation with a 7,000-year civilization and culture, seeks to connect all nations in the world.”
Later in his remarks, Rouhani said the country was against weapons of mass destruction asserting “despite being a victim of them, we have never used these weapons as they are contrary to religious and moral teachings.”
He recalled successful negotiations with world powers in nuclear areas emphasizing that dialogue was the shortest and lowest-cost method for settling disputes among governments.
“The agreement we reached with 5+1 benefited the whole world by bringing about peace, security, stability not to mention further collaboration.”
He maintained that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) paved the path for hosting more tourists as the arrival of tourists in the first half of the current Iranian year soared.“Efforts are being made to develop tourism industry in Iran which explains why Iran is refurnishing its rail and aviation fleet,” stressed the Iranian President.
He said tourism, in addition to economic profits, will promote both regional and international security as it brings people of the world together and provides grounds for further collaborations.
“Efforts are being made to develop tourism industry in Iran which explains why Iran is refurnishing its rail and aviation fleet,” stressed the Iranian President.He said tourism, in addition to economic profits, will promote both regional and international security as it brings people of the world together and provides grounds for further collaborations.
He said tourism, in addition to economic profits, will promote both regional and international security as it brings people of the world together and provides grounds for further collaborations.
At the end of his remarks, President Hassan Rouhani touched upon the environment and cultural heritage as two venues for investment in the tourism industry since they belong not only to the country but also to the humanity.