North Khorasan’s Grape Harvest: A Journey Through Vineyards

Having many grape vineyards, both rainfed and irrigated, North Khorasan supplies a large part of the northeast of Iran.
The existence of suitable climatic and geographical conditions has made North Khorasan province one of the important poles of grape production in the country.
Having many grape vineyards, both rainfed and irrigated, North Khorasan supplies a large part of the northeast of Iran. This province has more than 344 thousand hectares of agricultural land, of which about 38 thousand hectares are fruit orchards. Also, about half of the gardens in the province, i.e. more than 18,000 hectares, are vineyards, which have a great contribution to the agricultural economy of this province with an average annual production of 160,000 tons.
The grapes produced in the province include Kolhadari, Kheshmeshi, Askari, La’al, Yakuti, black grapes, and Mikami. In the last few years, new cultivars have entered the province, 83 of which have reached fruition. The existence of suitable climatic and geographical conditions has made North Khorasan province one of the important poles of grape production in the country; Of the total production of grapes in the province, about 13,000 tons are fresh, 25,000 tons are processed, and about 90,000 tons is surplus.
North Khorasan province has the sixth place in the country in terms of grape production. Grape cultivation has been common in this region for a long time, which is well adapted to the region’s climate, and the vine growers of the province produce a variety of products from this product, which are very marketable, and raisin, vinegar, and juice are among them.
The grapes produced in the province are of very good quality, and the popularity of this product in the world markets is also high, which should be provided by creating suitable conditions for its sale. Every year, with the beginning of the autumn season, the grape harvest begins in the orchards of North Khorasan. Kolhadari and raisin grapes are the main types of production in North Khorasan, and more than 42% of the orchards in this province are devoted to grapes.

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