Pezeshkian’s Presidency: Can Iran’s Tourism Be Revived?
Pezeshkian's Promise to Transform Tourism

Today, July 6, 2024, the results of Iran’s presidential election were announced, with Masoud Pezeshkian elected as the new president. This outcome reflects the reformists’ efforts to return to Iran’s political scene and restore normal relations with the world. Pezeshkian, with his moderate approach to social issues and improving relations with the West, brings fresh hope for Iran’s future.
Pezeshkian’s Expertise and Background
Pezeshkian received his general surgery degree from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 1990 and completed his cardiac surgery specialization at Iran University of Medical Sciences in 1993. He has been active in the medical field, particularly in cardiac surgery, and has served as a professor of cardiac surgery and the president of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.
Campaign Promises and Impact on Tourism Industry

One of Masoud Pezeshkian’s campaign promises was to establish broad international connections and expand the tourism industry. Running with the slogan “Opening Iran’s Doors to Tourists,” this commitment could play a crucial role in attracting foreign tourists back to Iran.
Efforts to Improve International Relations
Pezeshkian aims to improve relations with the West concerning Iran’s nuclear program and reduce U.S. sanctions. This approach could positively impact the country’s economy and pave the way for foreign investors. Additionally, easing sanctions could streamline the processes for tourists entering and exiting the country.
With the new government in place and the implementation of Pezeshkian’s policies, Iran is expected to become a popular destination for foreign tourists again. Expanding tourism infrastructure, enhancing security, and facilitating visa processes could significantly increase the number of tourists.
Positive Economic Impacts
Tourism growth can have positive economic impacts. Increased foreign exchange revenue, job creation in sectors such as hospitality, transportation, and handicrafts are some benefits of this growth. Moreover, this can help introduce Iran’s culture and history to the world and create a positive image of the country internationally.

Operational Plans to Expand Tourism
To achieve his tourism goals, Pezeshkian needs to implement effective operational plans. These plans include developing tourism infrastructure like building and renovating hotels, improving transportation services, and creating recreational and tourist centers. Promoting hospitality culture and training specialized personnel in the tourism industry can also enhance the quality of services provided to tourists.
Facilitating Visa Processes
Another effective measure could be facilitating visa processes for foreign tourists. This can be achieved by creating online systems for visa applications and reducing the review time for applications. Additionally, promoting Iran as a safe and attractive destination through advertising campaigns and collaboration with international tour operators can play a significant role in attracting tourists.
The election of Masoud Pezeshkian as Iran’s new president could mark the beginning of a new chapter in international relations and the growth of the country’s tourism industry. By implementing prudent and effective policies in various fields, Iran can once again become a popular tourist destination.