A Letter From the CEO: The Impact of Travel Bans on Iran Visas

Iran’s foreign ministry is once again issuing visas to US passport holders. We hope you’ll join us to discover Iran’s beauties and enjoy heart-opening conversations with Iranian people. (Last update: Friday – 2018 19 October)
To alleviate tourists’ concerns over US sanctions on individuals visiting Iran, Passports of travellers entering Iran will not being stamped. Read more…
Dear Valued Customers,

The United States decision to ban citizens from seven countries from entering the United States has resulted in the Iranian government taking reciprocal measures.
The United States decision to ban citizens from seven countries from entering the United States has resulted in the Iranian government taking reciprocal measures.
Sadly, we’ve been informed by the Iranian government that “To ensure respect for the dignity of all members of the great Iranian nation at home and abroad, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran will engage in a careful assessment of the short and medium-term impact of the decision of the U.S. Government on Iranian nationals, and will take proportionate legal, consular and political action and while respecting the American people and differentiating between them and the hostile policies of the U.S.
Government – will take reciprocal measures in order to safeguard the rights of its citizens until the time of the removal of the insulting restrictions of the Government of the United States against Iranian nationals.”
The United States decision to ban citizens from seven countries from entering the United States has resulted in the Iranian government taking reciprocal measures. Sadly, we’ve been informed by the Iranian government that “To ensure respect for the dignity of all members of the great Iranian nation at home and abroad, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran will engage in a careful assessment of the short and medium-term impact of the decision of the U.S. Government on Iranian nationals, and will take proportionate legal, consular and political action and while respecting the American people and differentiating between them and the hostile policies of the U.S. Government – will take reciprocal measures in order to safeguard the rights of its citizens until the time of the removal of the insulting restrictions of the Government of the United States against Iranian nationals.”
This means that a similar ban as applied to Iranians entering the US will be applied to US citizens entering Iran, as long as the ban remains in place by the United States. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, however, has indicated that those already with a valid visa will be welcome in Iran.
We apologise in advance to US citizens whose visa application is now being processed and rest assured, you’ll be reimbursed for the money you have payed in advanced as soon as possible.
We believe that the decision by the United States government and the response by the Iranian government is a purely political decision and doesn’t reflect enmity between the people of the United States and Iran.
Even as walls are being raised between countries and pathways to exchange are being blocked, these are only temporary and people will continue to find ways to connect. In Iran, we have great love for the people of the United States and we look to the future with hope that all walls between people are torn down.
As Rumi, the great Persian poet recited 700 years ago:
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.”
Kind regards,
Mehdi Eshraghi
Jan 29, 2017
Founder and Manager of SURFIRAN