AttractionsDestinationsIran TourismLorestanNatureTo See

Kalmakareh Cave: The Secrets of Iran’s Ancient Treasure Trove

Kalmakareh Cave: Unearth the Mysteries of Lorestan's Ancient Hoard

Kalmakareh Cave is a historically significant cave located in Lorestan province in western Iran, specifically in the Poldokhtar region. The name “Kalmakareh” in the Luri language means “place of the wild goat and fig.” This cave, from the first millennium BC, was a royal treasury for the Samatura dynasty in the Elamite civilization. Inside, archaeologists have discovered valuable artifacts from ancient Iran, such as almond-shaped fish bowls and exquisite rhytons.

Kalmakareh Cave, hidden from nearby mountains, was accidentally found in 1989 by a hunter chasing a wild goat. He found a coin at the cave’s entrance, leading to the discovery of a vast treasure. Many ancient artifacts were found in the cave. These included coins and silver figurines. Locals and smugglers took them before Iran’s Cultural Heritage Organization could protect the site.

Discovering Kalmakareh Cave

Discovering Kalmakareh Cave
Discovering Kalmakareh Cave

Kalmakareh Cave is one of Iran’s natural and historical wonders, located near Pol-e Dokhtar in Lorestan province.

The cave in the Zagros Mountains has many halls and winding paths, making it a popular place to visit in the area. The cave has beautiful stalactites and stalagmites. They formed over millions of years. Every visitor who comes to see them is amazed.

Kalmakareh Cave is in a beautiful natural area. It offers great views of the Zagros mountains. This makes it a perfect place for nature lovers and hikers. The nearby springs and small rivers make the area fresh and beautiful, attracting people who want peace and calm in nature.

The Historical Significance of Kalmakareh Cave

Inside Kalmakareh Cave of Lorestan
Inside Kalmakareh Cave of Lorestan

Kalmakareh is a beautiful place. It is also important for history lovers. Many ancient treasures and valuable artifacts have been found there. These treasures testify to the existence of ancient civilizations and the rich culture of this region.

For those wishing to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life, the pristine surroundings of the cave provide a peaceful retreat. Here, one can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. Visiting Kalmakareh Cave is a special experience. It combines history and nature. Everyone who goes there remembers it for a long time.

Location of Kalmakareh Cave

The cave is 13 kilometers northwest of Pol-e Dokhtar, near Dareh Bagh village, on the southern side of Mount Maleh.

How to Access Kalmakareh Cave

To get to Kalmakareh Cave, go from Pol-e Dokhtar to Kaveh Kaly village, then continue to Dareh Bagh village. Khorramabad is the capital of Lorestan. It is about 115 kilometers from Pol-e Dokhtar. The journey takes around 1.5 hours. From Pol-e Dokhtar, you must travel approximately 45 kilometers to reach Dareh Bagh village.

Location of Kalmakareh Cave in Lorestan Province
Location of Kalmakareh Cave in Lorestan Province

A portion of the route from Dareh Bagh to Kalmakareh Cave must be covered on foot, as it is a mountainous path. It is advisable to bring suitable hiking gear and, preferably, travel with a guide familiar with the area. The cave entrance faces west. Kalmakareh Cave comprises four relatively large halls. Reaching the cave is hard. The entrances are only 80 cm wide. There are small and large water basins in the second, third, and fourth rooms.

Directions to Kalmakareh Cave from Tehran

The distance from Tehran to Pol-e Dokhtar is 575 kilometers, which takes about 7.5 hours by bus or private car. After reaching Pol-e Dokhtar, you must take a private car or taxi to Dareh Bagh village, which is 45 kilometers away. From there, you must hike to reach Kalmakareh Cave.

Climate of Kalmakareh Cave

Due to its location within the Zagros Mountains, Kalmakareh Cave enjoys a mountainous climate. During spring and summer, the weather is cool and pleasant, with lush green scenery surrounding the cave. However, before planning a trip to the cave in spring, ensure the weather in the region is not rainy.

Best Time to Visit Kalmakareh Cave


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The best time to visit Kalmakareh Cave is in spring and summer. During these seasons, the weather is nice. The nature around the cave is green and full of life. Spring can have cold weather, rain, and possible flooding. It’s a good idea to check the local weather forecast before planning your trip.

History of Kalmakareh Cave

Kalmakareh Cave is a hidden treasure in the heart of the Zagros Mountains, surrounded by mystery and various narratives. This ancient cave dates back approximately 2,700 years, with numerous speculations about its treasures. Some believe that it was a burial site for the wealth of the Sassanid kings, housing valuable artifacts from ancient times.

According to some accounts, the cave dates back to the Achaemenid period or even earlier, to the Elamite era. Others believe that the Kalmakareh treasure represents the inheritance or gifts of various kings throughout history. Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and Mesopotamia. After that, it is said that treasures from Babylon’s temple were moved from Susa to a cave. During Alexander’s invasion of Iran, the Kalmakareh treasure was hidden in the mountains near Pol-e Dokhtar.

Treasures of Kalmakareh Cave

Treasures of Kalmakareh Cave
Treasures of Kalmakareh Cave

One archaeologist believes the cave’s initial soil area was an ancient cemetery with 12 graves. An Iranian researcher named Rasoul Bashash made an interesting discovery. He found the name of a royal family from an unknown location. He did this by examining inscriptions on items found in a cave. The treasure probably belongs to the Samati Kingdom. This kingdom ruled a small area in southern Lorestan during the Neo-Elamite period.

Discovery of Kalmakareh Cave

The discovery of Kalmakareh Cave in Lorestan has an intriguing story. In 1989, a local hunter named Aziz Kalmakarei discovered a cave while he was chasing a mountain goat. Aziz noticed that the goat repeatedly entered and exited the cave. During his first visit, he found an ancient coin, which he showed to an antique dealer and realized the cave’s value. He returned to the cave several times and gradually sold the objects he found.

However, in a recent documentary about Kalmakareh Cave, Aziz Kalmakarei tells a different story. A truck driver from nearby villages knew about the cave since 1971 and entered it with his cousin in 1979. After firing shots into the cave ceiling, they discovered piles of gold and silver coins.

Plundering of Kalmakareh Cave

Entrance of Kalmakareh Cave
Entrance of Kalmakareh Cave

They could not search the entire cave, and after Aziz and his cousin were arrested, the cave’s location was revealed. By 1989, Kalmakareh Cave had been thoroughly looted, with 50 to 70 people daily observed plundering the cave. A few years later, the Cultural Heritage Organization learned about the cave and sent a team to safeguard it. Many important items, like coins and silver statues from the Achaemenid and Medes periods, were unfortunately stolen.

Name Origin of Kalmakareh Cave

The name “Kalmakareh” for the ancient cave in Lorestan comes from its unique features and has an intriguing history. In the Luri dialect, “Kalmakareh” combines three words: “Kal,” “Ma,” and “Kareh.” Each has its meaning. “Kal” refers to a male mountain goat, a halal animal with upward-curving horns found in the mountains surrounding the cave. “Ma” or “Man” means a dwelling or resting place. “Kareh” is a type of tree resembling a fig tree with poor-quality, inedible fruit. This tree stood at the cave entrance until 1995 but was unfortunately cut down by illegal diggers.

Thus, “Kalmakareh” means the dwelling or resting place of the male mountain goat and fig tree. The cave’s name reflects its location in the mountains of Lorestan, where it may have once been a home for male mountain goats. Additionally, the presence of a fig tree at the cave entrance was a sign of the site’s life and greenery.

Structure of Kalmakareh Cave

Structure of Kalmakareh Cave
Structure of Kalmakareh Cave

Kalmakareh Cave is an interesting tourist destination in Pol-e Dokhtar. It is located in the Lorestan province. The cave is situated in a rocky mountain area. To reach the cave, one must navigate large and small, interconnected corridors and chasms. From a geological perspective, Kalmakareh Cave in Pol-e Dokhtar is a Cretaceous limestone stalactite cave. Geologists believe this cave is a natural wonder. It has stunning formations and interesting sedimentary columns and hangings.

Layout of Kalmakareh Cave

The cave’s entrance is positioned so it can only be seen from a short distance. The entrance ceiling, like a rock canopy with curved edges, hides the cave from those looking from the plain or opposite mountains. Unfortunately, the cave’s initial area was destroyed by traffickers.

Kalmakareh Cave consists of four relatively large halls. The first hall, which served as a guard post, had a guard room 80 cm high and 2 square meters in area, which is now destroyed. In this hall, there were stalagmites, but much of them have been damaged. A small 4-meter-long and 3-meter-high corridor connects the first hall to the subsequent halls.

You can enter the second hall through a corridor. The second hall is 15 meters below the cave entrance, so it has less humidity. This hall covers 740 square meters and has a height ranging from 8 to 15 meters. The second hall is special and impressive. It has natural features such as water pits, basins, corridors, and hiding spots for objects.

Hidden Treasures of Kalmakareh Cave

Hidden Treasures of Kalmakareh Cave
Hidden Treasures of Kalmakareh Cave

Kalmakareh Cave once held a valuable treasure from ancient times. The treasure was important not just for its worth, but also for the historical and cultural knowledge it provided. The most famous object discovered from Kalmakareh Cave is the Griffin Goblet, known as the King of Kalmakareh. This exquisite goblet was returned to Iran in 2013 by the United States as a gesture of goodwill. Other significant artifacts found in the cave include:

  • Rhytons (ancient drinking vessels)
  • Statues of animals and humans
  • Jewelry made of gold and silver
  • Golden masks decorated with lapis lazuli and ivory
  • Exquisite plates that showcase the grandeur of ancient civilizations
  • Masks and masks dating back 1,000 years BC

Inscriptions and writings on these objects are mostly in Elamite and cuneiform scripts, highlighting their age and historical importance. These artifacts bear witness to the skill and artistry of ancient Iranian civilizations. Unfortunately, many of the treasures from this cave have been stolen. The Cultural Heritage Organization of Lorestan reported that 2,300 artifacts from Kalmakareh Cave were smuggled out of the country. Only 10 percent of the items remain in Iran. This harsh reality underscores the importance of protecting and preserving ancient treasures.

Current Preservation of Kalmakareh Artifacts

Kalmakareh Cave in Lorestan Province of Iran
Kalmakareh Cave in Lorestan Province of Iran

Currently, 114 pieces of these historical artifacts are kept in the Falak-ol-Aflak Museum in Khorramabad. 100 objects are in the National Museum of Iran, 2 in Ilam Province, and 2 in the Tabriz Museum.

Items from Kalmakareh Cave are shown in museums outside of Iran. The Louvre in Paris has 30 pieces. The Metropolitan Museum in New York also has 30 pieces. The Miho Museum in Kyoto has 2 pieces.

Accommodation Near Kalmakareh Cave

To stay near Kalmakareh Cave, go back to Pol-e Dokhtar or Khorramabad and book a local hotel or eco-lodge. Here are some of the best options for accommodations around Kalmakareh Cave:

  1. In Pol-e Dokhtar, there are places to stay. One option is the Municipality Hotel-Restaurant on Washian Hill Road. There are also traditional choices, like the Shahid Rajaee Lodge.
  2. Accommodations in Khorramabad: Although a bit farther from Kalmakareh Cave, Khorramabad offers excellent hotels and lodges, including:
    • Shapur Khast Hotel (five-star)
    • Parsian Hotel (with a design resembling Falak-ol-Aflak Castle)
    • Kasin Observatory Hotel
    • Makmal Kuh Traditional Hotel

Be sure to book a room in one of these hotels or lodges before traveling to Kalmakareh Cave.

Items Found in Kalmakareh Cave
Items Found in Kalmakareh Cave

Essential Gear for Visiting Kalmakareh Cave

Visiting Kalmakareh Cave is fun, but to stay safe and enjoy it, remember these tips and bring the right equipment

  • Gather sufficient information about the cave before planning your visit.
  • Wear appropriate hiking shoes and a safety helmet.
  • Carry a first aid kit, climbing equipment, a flashlight, and a headlamp.
  • Always visit the cave with a guide.
  • Remember that respecting the natural environment around caves is crucial.

Recommendations for Traveling to Kalmakareh Cave

Kalmakareh Cave in Lorestan Province is a beautiful, hidden spot with nature and history, perfect for nature enthusiasts. A visit to this ancient cave with its fascinating stories will be an unforgettable journey. To prepare for this exciting adventure:

  • Bring suitable clothing, shoes, and necessary gear for caving.
  • Carry enough food and water.
  • Visit Kalmakareh Cave in the early morning or afternoon. This is best during spring and summer. The weather will be cool, and there will be enough light to see the area.

A trip to Kalmakareh Cave in Pol-e Dokhtar is a fantastic opportunity to explore nature and history. With its natural beauty and unique structure, this cave will create lasting memories. So, plan, pack your essentials, and prepare for this thrilling adventure.


Kalmakareh Cave is an important archaeological site that offers insights into Iran’s ancient history and its rich cultural heritage. The treasures found within its depths offer valuable insights into the Elamite civilization and their artistry. Kalmakareh Cave is a fantastic spot for history lovers and adventurers. It offers a chance to learn about Iran’s past.

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